Home > Chemical > Technology > Thermal Analysis > Thermo Gravimetric Analysis (TGA)

TGA is used to measure the change in mass of a sample as the sample is heated at a controlled rate in a controlled atmosphere. Mass changes can also be measured as a function of time when the sample is held at a constant temperature. Mass can decrease if components of the sample are vaporized or can increase if the sample reacts with the surrounding gas. TGA traces can be compared to traces obtained from reference materials to help identify unknown compounds. Sample sizes are on the order of a few to tens of milligrams.

Perkin Elmer (2)
TA Instruments (1)
Benchtop/Fixed (3)
Commercially Available (2)
Discontinued (1)
Unit Cost
N/A (3)
Sample Introduction
Solid (3)
Sensitivity / Detection Limit
Bulk (2)

Additional Filter Options

Product Type

Instrument (3)


9 (3)


>50 Lbs. (3)

Power Requirement

AC/DC Line Power (3)

Training Required

<1 week (1)
>1 week (2)

Response Time

<15 minutes (2)
>15 minutes (1)

Supporting Data Available

None (3)


Indoor use only (2)

Shelf Life

>5 years (2)

Consumables Required

<$1,000/year (2)
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Pyris1 TGA

Pyris1 TGA

Perkin Elmer

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TA Instruments

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TGA 8000

TGA 8000

Perkin Elmer

The TGA 8000 can control the furnace temperature range from subambient to 1,200 °C. The system deliv...

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